Monday, January 5, 2015

Tweaking A Painting

Sometimes Tweaking is Necessary

OK, this is more than tweaking.  
This was almost a complete do-over.

I completed this painting sometime in 2013 and never liked it.

Couldn't quite figure out what I didn't like about it,
but I didn't like it.

Finally I figured it out.  It looks like the hay is going to roll right off the canvas.
(I'm almost embarrassed to show you this.)

So, it's been sort of slow in the gallery after Christmas, (understatement)
and I thought now is a good time to fix it.

I had to take it out of the frame and rework the entire bottom 2/3.

Now, here is the finished painting.

Summer Job
24" x 18" framed acrylic on a canvas panel.

I am happy with it now.

I finished it during my FREE lunch and learn today.  

I grew up in Mason, Ohio, a small rural town in the 50's and 60's.

Lots of people lived on working farms and did this in the summer,
and lots of young men worked on farms in the summer.
I raised Hereford cattle in 4-H and I too had to help bale hay
and then unload it in the barn. 

It's a hot, sweaty job,
but one that has to get done, and we did.


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