Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Drawing on the Left Side of the Brain

Drawing on the Left Side,

I'm not sure what side we were drawing on,
but there were nine brave souls who took the 
Intro to Drawing Class
at River Run Gallery. 

Lots of people come to the gallery to take painting classes

and most will say,
"I'd like to but I can't draw a stick figure"

And I usually reply,
"Great, cause we're not drawing stick figures".

But I understand the fear of not being able to draw.

I struggled over not being able to draw.

Those who have come to my painting classes know,
I can get it on there with a brush, 
but we don't draw much at all in our classes.

We are so lucky to have Jeremy Cobb as our drawing teacher.

This very short video shows class members drawing a gray scale and 
later we drew an apple, from life.

We had an apple on the table and we all had to draw it 
from the vantage point we had.

Beginning Tuesday, May 26, 5-7 p.m. we will be having 
a beginning course on how to draw.

 This is a six lesson course and students need to commit to the six lessons.

Each lesson will build on what is taught the week before.  
So being able to attend all six lessons will be very important.

The course is $150 for all six lessons.

Please leave a comment if you are interested in taking this course.

Limited class size.


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