Thursday, August 20, 2015

Artist Appreciation Month

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What Artist do I appreciate?

(yes, in a former life I was a cheerleader)

August is Artist Appreciation Month
and Patience Brewster has really made me think about which artists have inspired me most.  
She creates some pretty incredible Christmas ornaments I love and if you click the above link,
you'll find all sorts of beautiful ornaments.

Here's an example of her work.

8 years ago or so I was hungry to learn to paint and I took my very first painting workshop with Jerry Yarnell in Bardstown, KY.
I was terrified, because I knew nothing, but after two days I came home with a beautiful painting and I have loved every frustrating, exhilarating moment of painting ever since. 

 This was much later when I went to Oklahoma for an open studio and a private lesson.

Can't say enough great things about this great guy, great teacher, wonderful artist.

 Another artist is a local guy where I live.
I admired his work for several years before I gathered up my courage and tried it for myself.
He has no website.
He has no blog.
I'm not sure he has email.
But Ron DeVore is an incredible artist who paints things I love, like barns, cows, beautifully soft almost photographic acrylic paintings.
I did manage to find this article about Ron in the 
Madison Roundabout. 
Ron is soft spoken, plays the dulcimer and inspired me to give it a try.

I have lots of artists I've learned much from and I appreciate every one of them.

Here are a just a few

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