Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Learning About Color

Can You Ever Know Too Much About Color?

I'd have to say a big fat NO!

There is always more to know about color.
We just scratched the surface in art camp today.

 Meet Hannah as she makes her own color wheel in art camp today.

  Alex is also making her color wheel today.
Alex has been to camp before, so she has made a color wheel before,
but we tried to improve on it today.

Then we also made a color chart using the colors in our palette,
the primary colors, yellow, red and blue, and white and a brown.  

Somehow I forgot to take a photo of their color charts.

This is my chart I did as an example.

Art camp is for students 10-14 and lasts four Wednesdays in a row for two hours.

Each week the students work on a different art concept and they also work on two 16: x 20" paintings during the four week period.

After Alex and Hannah made their color wheel and chart,
we began the really fun part and that is their paintings.

 Alex and Hannah are putting in their suns on this interesting painting.

Now they are putting the orange around their sun.  

These paintings gives the student the chance to see how color works next to each other,
how to blend,
how to use enough paint,
how to make big bold strokes,
and how to let go and have fun.

That's a hard part to do!

Don't try to be better than everyone else,
Don't try to be perfect,
Don't paint for me, but for you!

I hope these young ladies had as great a time as I did.

See you next week.

1 comment:

  1. These girls did a super job. Hope you can give them some love here.


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