Friday, July 18, 2014

Mom, Monet and Me Painting Class

Learning to Paint

with Mom at my side.

 Here is Elle working on her checkerboard

 Abby was a little worried about the paint,
but she perservered.

 London and her mom finishing up her checkerboard

They are all working so hard!

They each did a super job.  Look at those swirlies to go along with those smiles.

They got them on there like little pros!
They were finished in just under an hour.

Very proud of my first class of 5-9 year olds.
These girls are 5, 6 and 7 years old.

You and your child can be here next month.
Wednesday, August 13 from 4:30 til 5:30.

I haven't selected the painting yet,
but I know it's going to be fun.

The cost of these classes is $25 and I only take 4 children
and their adult helpers.

Please call 502-523-0663 to register and pre-pay.

There's fun to be had by all.

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